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Sustainable Corporate Governance

Responsible corporate governance is a matter of course for us

For this reason, as part of the Schwarz Group, we have joined the UN Global Compact and are thereby committed to the principles of responsible, sustainable corporate governance. 

The UN Global Compact represents one of the world's largest and most important initiatives for responsible corporate governance. Together with thousands of allies in companies and organizations from more than 160 countries, we are taking a stand for the people in our global supply chains and our employees, and protecting the environment and natural resources. 

Whether as customers, employees or business partners, people are at the heart of what we do. We are therefore committed to ensuring that human rights are respected in all areas of our business activities around the world. With the Policy Statement that applies to the entire Schwarz Group, we underline our responsibility as a globally operating corporate group. Respecting human rights is a matter of course to us.