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Our departments

Steuere modernste Fahrzeuge bei PreZero

Professional vehicle operator for long-haul and short-haul transport

As professional vehicle operators, our employees make a contribution to the responsible handling of natural resources in our society.
Our employees use the most up-to-date specialized vehicles and electronic data transmission to serve our customers in manufacturing and business as well as those in municipal government. This equipment includes side and rear loaders, skip loaders, roll-off tippers and sliding floors.

Arbeite mit uns an einem sauberen Morgen!

Controlling, finance and accounting

Controlling deals with the preparation and analysis of tax-related figures from the company as a whole. In this way, the team creates a basis for planning, managing and monitoring strategic as well as operational business processes aimed at achieving company goals. The team works in close cooperation with our regional managers and the individual regional distribution centers and in so doing makes a major contribution to the strategic alignment of our company. The financial and accounting department sees to it that accounting is conducted properly for all business transactions. It thereby ensures transparency with regard to our financial streams and therefore on the status of our overall result.

Arbeite an einer sauberen Logistik mit den Kollegen bei PreZero


Our logistics department is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of our core activity: waste collection. In addition, department employees serve as strategic guides in the development of new logistics solutions. Our employees – which include drivers, waste loaders, workshop personnel and replenishment planners – are in direct contact with customers and therefore play a central role in representing our company. In order to make the most efficient use of personnel and trucks, capacities and routes are planned in detail and continuously adjusted to circumstances. This is important both for municipal waste disposal, which involves collecting residential waste, as well as for the disposal of commercial wastes from manufacturing, trade and commerce.

Arbeite mit modernster Technik an einem sauberen Morgen


PreZero operates a variety of processing and sorting facilities for use in waste recovery. Technical Consulting handles technical facility planning, conversion and renovation as well as project management for associated construction activities and permitting procedures. This means that it is responsible for ensuring at all times the performance and future viability of our facilities.
In the process, our team is guided by industrial standards and forward-looking methods that allow facilities to be used effectively across their entire life cycle, from the planning phase through to final decommissioning.

Sorg für eine saubere Logistik auf den Höfen von PreZero

Collection Site Employees

These employees ensure that the logistics at our collection sites run smoothly.
Our forklift, wheel loader and excavator operators see that the materials are prepared for processing and yard logistics are organized in an optimal manner. They also see to that proper operating conditions are maintained and in so doing make a valuable contribution to PreZero.

Bring PreZero durch spannende Projektarbeit nach vorne

Project Management

In order for PreZero to grow, our processes have to kept state-of-the-art.
Specialists in a variety of disciplines work to make this happen by planning and executing various projects. This includes, for example, company purchases, advances in digitization and the integration of PreZero processes at new locations.

Arbeite mit uns an einem sauberen Morgen!

Facility Employees

Our employees in the sorting and processing facilities see to the smooth operation of the facility. The employees work in different departments and teams as, among others, fitters, sorting personnel, electricians as well as plant operators, thereby feeding recycled materials into a new cycle.

Unser Personalwesen kümmert sich um den wichtigsten Bestandteil von PreZero: Unsere Mitarbeiter.

Human Resources

The responsibilities of our Human Resources Department include organizing training sessions and seminars, selecting and overseeing our trainees, taking care of the needs of management and selecting personnel. By doing so, these staff members play a key role in the most important element in our company’s success: our employees

Erarbeite Entsorgungskonzepte und vermarkte diese an unsere Kunden

Marketing & Sales

Our marketing and sales department acquires new customers and manages our existing customers. The staff are there to answer questions about waste management and apply their knowledge in developing customized disposal plans. Working in collaboration with other departments, the team helps drive growth and innovation at PreZero – together we take on new challenges.

Our Benefits


Health Management

Take advantage of benefits, like prevention courses


Communication on peer level

Live out our values


Holistic integration into the workplace

You are introduced to your duties step by step


Training possibilities

Take advantage of the PreZero Academy


Informal corporate culture

We keep things informal regardless of position


Employee rebates and job bike

Save while shopping or lease your own bike


Advancement opportunities

Take responsibility



Work with us toward a cleaner future


Note: The masculine form is used in all texts for better readability. This is not intended to discriminate against other genders.