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Prezero LKW Strasse Kornfeld

We rethink the circular economy

Decreasing the use of natural resources, avoiding waste and designing the future with innovative and efficient solutions – that’s how we make our contribution to a cleaner future at PreZero.

Our services at a glance

Mitarbeiter Wertstoffhof LKW

About us

Fresh thinking for a cleaner tomorrow 

We are dedicated to a world, in which efficient closed-loops protect our environment and create sustainable value. We want to conserve resources and reduce the amount of waste that cannot be recycled to zero – in other words, PreZero. From placing your order via our digital waste management platform through to recycling in our modern processing, sorting and recycling plants, we connect economy and ecology for our customers and thereby support their successful and sustainable development.


Achieving success together

We are always searching for innovation drivers and creative thinkers who want to contribute their ideas and take on exciting assignments in the areas of waste and recycling management, energy and environmental innovations, and logistics solutions

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