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Hero Cockpit


Your Customer Portal – Disposal with system and overview

Create new orders easily, have existing containers emptied or view invoices with a click of the mouse. Regardless of the size of your company, our customer portal makes it easier for you to organize your waste disposal. With the customer portal, you also always keep an eye on your costs.

Waste management - organize your disposal online
  • Clear display of your service locations and contract details
  • Overview of existing services
  • Issue disposal orders, e.g. provide, exchange or remove new containers
  • Activate contractually agreed services
  • Monitoring of disposal orders in the waste calendar
  • Tracking of the order status
Payment management - All information in one place
  • Invoices and credit notes at a glance
  • Current payment status
  • View due date
  • Store e-mail address for sending invoices
  • Flexible download functions: Save and print
User management - individually adapted to your company
  • Manage your account with multiple users
  • Administratorenfunktion zur Anlage bzw. Deaktivierung der Benutzer
  • Administrator function for creating or deactivating users
  • Users with flexible roles and permissions
  • Flexible access control for your services, order history and documents
Recyclingsymbol mit Hand

Your Benefits

  • Availability 24 / 7
  • All orders at a glance at all times
  • Schnelle und unkomplizierte Abwicklung Ihrer Entsorgungsaufträge
  • Fast and uncomplicated processing of your disposal orders
  • Flexible user management - facilitates organization in your company
  • Clear user interface and handling on any platform.