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Is the packaging turnaround coming in 2022?


Kommt die Verpackungswende 2022?

PreZero discussed the future of the circular economy with top experts at IFAT 2022


Munich, June 2, 2022. During a discussion session titled “#PreThink: Kreislaufwirtschaft jetzt! Kommt
die Verpackungswende 2022?” (EN: #PreThink: Circular economy now! Is the packaging turnaround
coming in 2022?) held on Wednesday at IFAT 2022 in Munich, high-profile participants from science,
politics and civil society explored the opportunities and challenges for a packaging turnaround. “We
want politicians to provide incentive systems for recycling-friendly product design and increased use of
recycled materials, so that we can work together with all stakeholders to launch the packaging
turnaround,” urged Thomas Kyriakis, CEO of PreZero. The discussion is part of a series of events and
already the second dialogue format that PreZero has hosted together with WWF.


The participants agreed that the CO2 reduction targets and the wasteful use of the planet’s finite
resources make the shift to a circular economy more pressing than ever. “We’ve reached a critical point:
What happens in the next ten years will determine the future of our planet,” said Dr. Martin Bethke of
WWF Germany, summing up the situation. But according to Kyriakis, the continuing trend towards togo
products, booming online sales, and increasing demand for smaller portion sizes present real
challenges. “Germany still consumes an excessive amount of raw materials while simultaneously failing
to keep them in the loop,” added Prof. Dr. Christina Dornack from the TU Dresden.


So, how can we successfully bring about this packaging turnaround? From the perspective of the WWF
and PreZero, further development of minimum standards for recyclability and the restriction of
composite materials are key. At the same time, minimum quotas for the use of PCR recyclates and
common European standards and norms should be introduced. Thomas Kyriakis expressly applauded
the stance of the new German government, which intends to set a decisive course for the circular
economy. According to him, the coalition agreement is a good basis for realizing the transformation
towards more recycling and closed material loops for packaging. This is where PreZero wants to
contribute its know-how as a partner.


Last year, the environmental service provider supported and accompanied WWF Germany in their study:
“Verpackungswende jetzt! So gelingt der Wandel zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft für Kunststoffe in
Deutschland” (EN: „Pathways to a circular plastic packaging system in Germany“). At the beginning of
2022, the two partners published a joint impulse paper to politicians aimed at improving the circular
economy of packaging with a view to recycling. The long-standing collaboration with WWF to protect
the oceans is just one example of how PreZero fulfills its responsibility as a driver of the circular
economy. PreZero also wants to actively contribute to new sustainability standards in the Bundesliga
and, among other things, is developing innovative solutions as the official waste disposal partner of the
Allianz Arena. For Jürgen Muth, CEO of the Allianz Arena, this cooperation is a great lever: “Our events
at the Allianz Arena bring together several million people every year. We want to use innovative
approaches to engage them in environmental protection and resource conservation.”


The environmental service provider will be presenting the entire range of services offered by its eleven
countries at the IFAT for the first time. For the company, IFAT is the ideal place to exchange ideas with
a wide variety of representatives from the industry. With its on-site consultations, dialog-oriented event
formats and sustainable booth concept, the PreZero booth has quickly become a magnet for visitors.


The “#PreThink: Kreislaufwirtschaft jetzt! Kommt die Verpackungswende 2022?” discussion was
attended by:

  • Dr. Martin Bethke, Markets & Business WWF Germany
  • Jürgen Muth, CEO Allianz Arena 
  • Prof. Dr. Christina Dornack, Director Institute for waste and circular economy TU Dresden
  • Thomas Kyriakis, CEO PreZero
  • Dr. Christoph Epping,


Quotes from participants:


Thomas Kyriakis, CEO PreZero:

“We are rethinking the circular economy in a new and holistic approach. This means that as an
international environmental service provider, we aren’t just active along the entire value chain, but also
act as consultants in the development of sustainable and recyclable packaging solutions. As one of the
central platforms for our industry, IFAT allows us to exchange ideas with our customers and partners
and to jointly design sustainable solutions. We want politicians to provide incentive systems for
recycling-friendly product design and increased use of recycled materials, so we can work together with
all stakeholders to launch the packaging turnaround.”


Dr. Martin Bethke, Executive Officer Markets & Business WWF Germany:

“We’ve reached a critical point: What happens in the next ten years will determine the future of our
planet. There is no economy without ecology. We need a circular economy more than ever.”


Prof. Dr. Christina Dornack, Director Institute for waste and circular economy TU Dresden
“The major challenges of the circular economy policy of the 2020s in Germany and the EU are to align
it consistently with the requirements of the 1.5-degree target.
Germany still consumes an excessive amount of raw materials while simultaneously failing to keep
them in the loop. To reduce environmental and climate impacts along the entire life cycle, material
flows must be reduced, and existing raw materials must be kept in the loop over the long term. This
calls for immediate, long overdue changes in production and consumption patterns.”


Jürgen Muth, CEO Allianz Arena:

“Our events at the Allianz Arena bring together several million people every year. We want to use
innovative approaches to engage them in environmental protection and resource conservation. With the
help of PreZero, we will further improve waste management processes and jointly develop sustainable
solutions, from waste separation systems to unconventional recycling approaches. Because recycling
not only saves disposal costs but also preserves resources. With our fanshop bags, which are made
from grass clippings from the Allianz Arena, we have already realized a fantastic and particularly
sustainable project together with PreZero.”


Dr. Christoph Epping, Head of the Sub-Department WR II “Ressourcenschutz, Kreislaufwirtschaft” at
the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety:

“We need to reduce raw material consumption and close loops. In order for this to be even more
successful, regulation will create the necessary framework for this. PreZero and the Schwarz Group are
setting a great example here.”


More information about PreZero can be found at our press portal. Information about the trade fair
presentation can be found on the website https://circularfuture.de/en/.


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