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Our international trainee program

Are you flexible, looking for challenges and ready to boldly weigh in with new ideas and then put them into practice yourself? Have you already successfully completed your studies or are you about to finish? Then our international trainee program is the right way to get your foot in the door. Along with learning about operations in various departments, you’ll take on direct responsibility for projects at individually planned stations. As a trainee, you’ll have the opportunity for optimum preparation for a position of responsibility in an individualized manner over the course of a year. The programs begin every year in October.

Our program in overview

Dein Einblick in moderne Aufbereitungs- und Sortieranlagen

Trainee program: Engineering

In our engineering program you’ll learn about various types of processing and sorting equipment and participate in setting up new equipment. To qualify for this position you will need to have completed technical training or a course of study in a technical field, focusing, for example, on environmental or industrial engineering.

Zusätzliche Leistungen, die PreZero den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern bietet.

Trainee program: Operations Management

As a trainee in operations management, you will get to know several of our regional sites where you will participate in a variety of projects. You will be closely involved in daily operational activities and learn, for example, how to manage a plant and make it successful.

Berufliche Entwicklung bei PreZero

Trainee program: Business Management

In the business management trainee program, once you have been introduced to operations you will then be deployed in specifically planned departments at our central offices. There you will have the opportunity to participate in various projects and thereby gain experience in how the interaction of operational and strategic units contributes to company management.

What we offer


Trainee confab sessions

Get to know all the other trainees at PreZero Germany and the PreZero Stiftung


Informal corporate culture

We keep things informal regardless of position


Chance of being hired

at the end of the 12-month program


Assignment abroad

Get to know out international locations


Note: The masculine form is used in all texts for better readability. This is not intended to discriminate against other genders.