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PreZero Germany with unified market presence


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Merger of the two organizations in Germany successfully completed under company law.

Porta Westfalica/Wesseling, Januar 31, 2022.
Following the PreZero Group’s acquisition of shares in SUEZ Germany in June 2021 the corporate merger of both company parts that have to date been separated has been successfully concluded. Within a six-month time period they have managed to pool the existing competencies on all company levels under one uniform group parent company. This created a solid basis to successfully finalize the integration process during the year. 


PreZero Deutschland currently employs approx. 4600 employees nationwide at roughly 120 locations. As part of the Schwarz Group, PreZero will in the future promote the objective of closing recycling loops.  


Carsten Dülfer, CEO of PreZero Deutschland, manages the new entire company in Germany. “It is our declared objective to continuously develop the company further and to establish PreZero even more strongly as an innovative brand on the German environmental market”, according to Carsten Dülfer. 


“In Germany we initially joined the waste disposal market with PreZero in 2018. I am delighted that the employees from both German organizations have been totally committed to driving forward the integration process to date. Consequently, they have laid a significant basis for the uniform market approach from now on and for the continued positive development of PreZero in Germany”, says Gerald Weiß, COO PreZero International. 


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  • Name: Pressedokument: PresseinfoPreZero Germany with unified market presencePreZero Einheitlicher Marktauftritt in Deutschland
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